
Posts Tagged ‘art’

Wooden Pallets

In Uncategorized on July 27, 2010 at 11:54 pm

Wooden Pallets… I found about twenty this last Sunday.

Thanks so much Lumber Liquidators. It is pretty fun driving around looking for stray pallets. Which means In the SODO is about every two seconds. So I started getting snobby about it… “That one looks too old” “That one is wrecked up” I realized later that I am still going to need all the slats I can find so I should just stop and pick the damn pallets up.
I’m guessing that I need about twice as many. I can get started on the floor though. And I need a sander. And nails. And bolts. And…

I need a lot of things. But eventually it will turn out something like this:

You know give or take some things…